Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Disrobing of Braj Bhoomi

The Disrobing of Braj Bhoomi

Braj – the land of Lord Krishna is being disrobed and disfigured on a grand scale. Its transcendental glory and natural grandeur is under grave threat. The threat from the relentless activity of the mining and land Mafia compounded with the threat from the inaction, indifference, apathy and corrupt practices of the entire state machinery, is causing havoc all over.

Hillocks after hillocks are being blasted out by the heavy use of dynamite.

Hundreds of heritage spots have been reduced to dust.

The spots have been the center of devotion and reverence for millions of Vaishnavite Hindus all over the world who come every year for circumambulating these holy hills and darshan of these heritage spots.

The blasting process is having a very adverse effect on the entire surroundings.

1. Massive sound

2. Cracks in the nearby buildings

3. Adverse effect on the water table.

4. Wildlife uprooted

5. Pastureland for the herds.

Heavy mechanized mining process. Hundreds of crushers are thriving on this mining activity. Illegal operations are rampant.

If this remains the state of affairs, there would not be any trace of the hills within 5-10 years.

Even the intolerant Muslim rulers who had destroyed thousands of Hindu temples have never ever done such merciless destruction of Braj. A temple can be resurrected and rebuilt, but can such natural features be developed again?

The entire cultural unit of Braj is on the verge of destruction and uprooting.

It’s a lame argument altogether that shutting down mining activity would create widespread unemployment.

Sylvan Pasture lands can be developed all over these hillocks. This would solve the problem of feeding the animals. Water harvesting mechanisms need the existence of these hills.

The Braj Bhoomi is crying and wailing for the safeguard of its honor. Like the pleading Draupadi the Braj Bhoomi is also seeking for redressal of its grievances. But no one seems to be listening.

The political masters are all Dhritrastras who are bearing and causing every injustice out of their love and affection towards their Duryodhanas – the land and mining Mafia, who after all offer them heavy paybacks.

Their limitations, constraints and allegiance bind all the Governors like Bhishma Pitamah to the power centres.

The Kripacharyas – the judiciary is also tight lipped and constrained. The real protectors and saviours of the Braj bhoomi - the saints, mahants, acharyas like Pandavas, have lost in the hands of Duryodhanas, Dushasanas and Shakunis out of various reasons.

Others are but the common masses, who are utterly disorganized, engrossed heavily in their daily chores and are powerless.

Like the disheartened and disillusioned Draupadi who failed in getting protection in the assembly hall of the mighty Kurus, the Braj bhoomi is also putting all its hope on the Lord.

Sanghe Shakti Kalau Yuge – a people’s movement is building up all over Braj. It takes time for the masses to awaken, but once the realization and spirit is there, nothing would stop them. If the Dritrashtras, Duryodhanas, Dushasanas take note of the situations and address the same, or else there is an impending Mahabharata. Krishna would definitely come to the rescue of His holy dham.

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